When a new quarter begins, there are a few common steps you will need to follow:
- You may need to add more periods to represent the next quarter if this hasn’t already been done. Please see steps here.
- You will need to copy over the One Page Plan for the new quarter. Usually this will be a copy of your previous plan and you will revise for the new quarter. Please see steps here.
One Page Plan
If you do not have the next period created, you will need to add more periods. Once your quarter is set up, you can add your One Page Plan for the quarter by selecting +ADD PLAN.
From the Add Plan pop-up window, you can copy it from the previous quarter as below, then click Save. Next, simply make any changes to the One Page Plan that were discussed during the quarterly planning meeting.
Create new priorities for the quarter with a 13 week sprint, please see steps here.
If you’re carrying over the priority to another period, go to period with the Priority and click on it.
Select 'More' in the top-right corner and select 'Copy Priorities' (this will allow you to have the same priority in another quarter).
If you select 'Move Priorities', this will take it out of the current quarter move it to another quarter.
At the start of a new quarter, you will need to add your targets if you have not yet done so or you may wish to stop tracking a metric:
- Metrics can be updated from the Metrics page or easily from the Rolling Metrics page, please see here.
- Metrics can be blank at the start of the new quarter if targets or actuals have not yet been entered, please see here.
- If you have metrics that you no longer need to track, you will want to stop tracking the metric, please see here.