How do I create a Quarterly Priority?

When creating a Quarterly Priority, it's good practice to create a 13 week sprint using Roll-up Sub-priorities.


Quarterly Priorities can be broken down into a 13-week Sprint allowing you to further break down and define what needs to be done to complete the priority. Breaking a Quarterly Priority down like this allows you to track your Actual percentage completed to the Target Pace. Target Pace is where you should be today to be on pace to hit 100% on the due date.

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Setting a Quarterly Priority up with 13 week sprint allows visibility - for example in a Meeting you can expand the 13 week to see where a quarterly priority may need help to keep it on track.



To create a 13-week Sprint, use the Roll-up Sub-Priorities for Progress Type. When you Add Priority select 'Roll-up Sub-Priorities'.



Once you've added the Quarterly Priority and have Roll-up Sub-Priorities for Progress Type, next select '+ Add Sub-Priorities'.



From the drop-down menu, select 'Add 13 Weekly Sub-Priorities' and click Confirm to add.




Once the 13 Week sprint has been added - you will need to expand the Quarterly Priority to view and edit. Click the chevron to the left of the Quarterly Priority.



Next, for each week, break down 'high level' what needs to be done to achieve this Quarterly Priority over the next 13 weeks.

  1. Select the first Sub-priority to bring up the properties.
  2. You will need to title - What is the first thing to complete to achieve this quarterly priority.
  3. Edit the 'Start Date' and 'Due Date' if needed, decide how much time to get this done.
  4. For each Sub-priority, you need to decide how you want to track Progress, 'Percentage Based' in this example.

Repeat for each week keeping it 'high level' for what needs to be done to achieve to this Quarterly Priority.



If there are extra weeks at the end, they can be deleted off by clicking on it (it will highlight green), select 'More' in the upper right corner and from the drop-down menu, select 'Delete Priority'.



As you work through the Quarterly Priority, click on the Quarterly Priority (highlights green), here you can track Target Pace to Actual percentage completed based on the average of what has been done to date for the Roll-up Sub-Priorities. This is what gives the status colour. Target Pace is where you should be today to be on pace to hit 100% on the due date.
