How do I set quarterly Targets?

When a target value is entered for a metric, the Default Status Percentage will automatically calculate the target values for Super Green, Green, Yellow and Red. Please see NOTE at the bottom.

  • The Default Status Percentages are editable by clicking the drop-down arrow and typing over the percentage. The default is set to Super Green 110%, Green 100%, Yellow 90% and Red below 90%.

  • A metric with descending targets (for example a smaller number for Super Green is better than a larger number) is easily identified with an added visual indicator for ascending or descending targets.


  • Updates made to the status target box will automatically update the Metrics target for the quarter and vice versa.
  • This means wherever a metric is updated, for example when forecasting Targets from the Rolling Metrics page, the Target and Default Status Percentage will automatically update on the Metrics page for Super Green, Green, Yellow and Red.


Default Status Percentages will continue for future quarters and are saved historically. This means a change in the future will not affect the status calculations of previous periods.


Cacading metrics, the target value for the Green will be the sum of the child metric targets which can be seen in the left panel of your parent metric. 


How to Update Targets for a NEW Period?

When you start a new Period, be sure to update your targets for each metric.

Targets can be easily updated from the Rolling Metrics page or from the Metrics page by entering the value in the Quarter Target box.


*NOTE: The Default Status Percentage for a Count and Flat type metrics are calculated from the Quarter Target. For the Measurement type metric, the Default Status Percentage is calculated from the difference between the Start Target and the Quarter Target.


For example: The Default Status Percentage calculation for 'Measurement' type metric (image: red box 1).

When the Start Target (image: red box 2) is 100 and the Quarter Target (image: red box 3) is 200, the Default Status Percentage calculates the +10% on the difference between the Start Target and the Quarter Target which is 100. Therefore the +10% on 100 will make the Super Green 210 (image: red box 4).


If the Quarter Target is 200 (image: red box 2) in a Count or Flat metric type, the +10% is on 200 and will make Super Green 220 (image: red box 3).