New Team Member Getting Started Checklist

A great place to start is with a quick overview of the software.


For your convenience, please view a full pre-recorded overview of Metronome Software here.



You may also view a pre-recorded 5 min Introduction to Metronome Software here.


Once you've watched an over view of Metronome Software, here are the first steps in Getting Started.


Account Details

First thing you will set-up is your individual account preferences – which emails you receive, password changes, add your image, add 2FA, etc. Please see Account Settings section for specific articles here.  Watch the instructional video here.


Daily Dashboard

Next visit your Daily Dashboard. This is where you will do all your daily updates. Working from here will make it easy for you to stay up to date and share where you are with your team. Where do I prepare for my meetings, please steps here. Watch the instructional video here



This is where you build team cohesion, communicate and keep aligned to the strategic plan. Watch the instructional video here



If there is even one number that your function is tracking and you look at it daily (or weekly) let's get it into a metric so it can be brought into your meetings. To create a metric, please see here. Use tags to organize Metrics and Priorities in a meeting, please see here. Watch the instructional video here.


Quarterly Priorities

Quarterly Priorities are goals that you are working on in the Quarter. You can create a 13 week sprint for your priority and update as you progress to reach your goal. Watch the instructional video here


Be sure to also check out our Helpful Tips Articles here.