What are the 3 types of Metrics I can setup?

Metrics 3 types to choose from when creating.

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Count metrics add up actual values from each interval starting from 0 to reach a quarter target.

Examples of Count metric: Revenue, Number of New Clients, Number of Qualified Leads. 



The target progresses from the start target to the period target. Measurement actuals do not add up totals between intervals. Examples of Measurement metric: cash in the bank or total subscriptions. For example we have 500 existing subscriptions (this is the start target) with the goal of 1000 for the quarter (this is the period target).



This target has a constant value, where progression is not the desired outcome.

Instead the Metric aims to stay at a constant target value throughout the period. Examples of Flat metric: any metric that is a percentage, or a score like Net Promoter Scores (NPS) or number of days to collect.