Team Member Onboarding Guide

This onboarding guide will ensure every member of your team receives a clear and consistent experience when getting started on Metronome Software.

Step 1: Introduction and Preparation

Provide the Getting Started Checklist:

1. Share the "New Team Member – Getting Started Checklist" with your new team members. This checklist includes a pre-recorded demo video for an introduction to the software.

Step 2: Leadership Team Preparations

Add New Team Members:

1. Add the new team members into the software and ensure they are enabled. Do not send them an invitation yet.

2. Add permission level using this guideline. 

3. Add the new team members to the necessary meetings, particularly the Daily Huddle. 

4. Assign the new team members to their respective functions in the Team View. This will need to be done by an Assistant or Admin permission level in the software. In some examples, copying an existing function makes sense. 

Step 3: Review and Cleanup

Review Metrics and Meetings:

As the leadership team prepares for the new team members in the software, this is a good time to do some review and tidy up metrics and meetings.  
1. Stop tracking any metrics that are no longer relevant. 
2. End and archive any recurring meetings that are no longer needed.

Step 4: Sending Invitations and Calendar Invites

Invite Team Members & Send Calendar Invites:

1. Send an invite to the new team members to log in to the software. 

2. Use the Save To Calendar feature in the Meeting section to send calendar invites to the new team members

Step 5: First Log-In and Preparation for Daily Huddle

New Team Member Actions:

1. New team members log in, complete their account setup, and prepare for the next day’s Daily Huddle from their Daily Dashboard (as outlined in the New Team Member Getting Started Checklist). 

Step 6: Participation in Daily Huddle

Daily Huddle:

1. Ensure that the new team members participate in the Daily Huddle to start building behaviors with updating and preparing for meetings from the Daily Dashboard

Step 7: Metrics Setup

Create and Link Metrics:

1. New team members can create metrics that make sense for their function, which may include being a part of an existing cascading metric
2. Link metrics to their scorecards from the properties section in the metric.


This guide is designed to facilitate the smooth onboarding of one team member or multiple team members at one time, ensuring they are fully integrated and productive within Metronome Software. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to our Member Success team at