How do I set a Team Member's permission level to assistant or admin?

Here’s a guideline to setting up permission levels in both a new company and an existing company: 

  1. Admin permission level: typically reserved for the CEO/ Head of Company. 
    1. Admins have full access in the software, including meetings that they are not an attendee in and Reviews that they are not a part of.  
  2. Assistant permission level: for the leadership team. 
    1. Like Admins, they have full access in the software, however they only have access to meetings where they are an attendee and only to reviews that they are a part of. 
    2. Note: there is an option to grant them access to all meeting and/or all reviews.
  3. Team Member permission level: all other users in the company.  
    1. Team Members have view-only access to most pages. Like Assistants, they can only access meetings if they are an attendee and reviews that they are a part of. Note: They are only able to make edits to their own metrics and priorities.  


To change permission level, select the drop-down arrow to the right. 



To see further what each Permission level has access to in Metronome software, go to the upper right corner and click the Permissions button.



Good to know - Flexibility Around Meetings: If there’s a need to grant an Assistant or Team Member level access to a specific meeting that they are not actively participating in, they should be added as an observer so they can view the meeting.

When a user is added, they are added as a Team Member by default. To change the permission level for a Team Member, an Assistant or Admin can make the change for permission level at any time from the Team Members page by selecting the drop-down arrow to the far right of the user. From the Drop-down arrow choose: Team Member, Assistant or Admin.