How Do I Create a Stuck Action Item?

A Stuck Action Item is used when a team member is blocking your progress or vice versa.

Creating a Stuck Action Item from the Action Items page

  1. Navigate to the Action Items page.
  2. Click Add Action Item.
  3. Enter the title of the Action Item.
  4. Select the Action Item Owner.
    1. Who needs to complete this action?
  5. Select the Action Item's due date.
  6. Select how often this Action Item should be repeated.
  7. Click Next to go to the Why section.
  8. Select the Stuck Team Member.
    1. Who needs this action to be completed?
  9. Add any additional notes or comments to the Action Item.
  10. Click Next to go to the Visibility section.
  11. Select your privacy settings for this Action Item.
  12. Click Next to go to the Notifications section.
  13. Leave the box checked if you would like to send an email notification to the owner of the Action Item.

Note: These steps can be followed anywhere an Action Item can be created.

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