Release Notes - November 2023

Add Details to Meeting Agenda Items 


Agenda items in meetings now have a details field which can be used for extra information that will appear under the agenda item title. This can be used for a variety of purposes, like specifying who owns running that agenda item, allotted meeting time, a description of what is expected, and/or links to documents.

This more detailed view can be turned on or off within meetings by using the show details button under the Agenda view, and by clicking the Show Details/ Hide Details button from the Daily Dashboard.  


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Export Metric Data 


Daily Metric data can now be exported to a .CSV file.  The Export to .CSV button is displayed on all Metric frequency views and will download a .CSV containing daily start target, actuals, target and approved values for the period.

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Clear Metric Data 


You can now clear all data from a Metric with the click of a button. The Clear data button can be found under each Metric frequency view. By clicking the button you will be given the option to clear all data, or to pick Start Target, Actual, Target or Approved. You can use this functionality to reset your Metric for the whole quarter. 

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Show Images in the War Room 


There is now a "View Image" button in the War Room. This button can be used to show the images in greater detail and allows you to easily zoom in and out of an image, as well as scroll between images. 


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