Release Notes - March 2023


Metrics - Default Status Percentage


You can now use percentages to calculate a Metrics Status Colours with Default Status Percentage. 

Metrics without a super green and yellow status target will automatically get one calculated based on the quarterly target.



The default for Super green is 110% and 90% for yellow, but those can be overridden on a per metric basis.


Default percentage values for current metrics have been calculated based on the current period's values. 

Default Status Percentages will continue for future quarters and are saved historically. This means a change in the future will not affect the status calculations of previous periods. 

This update includes a visual indicator for ascending and descending metrics.


Cascading metrics will update the green status target value based on its children’s targets.


Change Cascading Metric Type


Metric Type can now be changed easily for Cascading Metrics from the Parent Metric


Meetings - Show Expired Meetings Only

You can now filter meetings to show expired meetings only. 



Indian Standard Time


Added Indian Standard Time to the meeting time zone list


meeting time