How do I set an auto status for Quarterly Priorities and Metrics?

Auto Set status can be set to track pack for where a Quarterly Priority or Metric is to date. When selected, the Auto Set status color will change depending on your pace.



Quarterly Priority

Auto Set Status can be selected when the Quarterly Priority is intially set-up. From the 'Add Quarterly Priority' in the upper right corner, select Auto Set Status. The same applies for Metrics when 'Add Metric' is selected.



Metric, the Auto Set Status is under the quarter target box when 'Add Metric' is selected from the upper right corner.



Existing Quarterly Priority

Auto Set Status can be selected on an existing Quarterly Priority by clicking on the Auto Set Status colour Box in the Quarterly Priority. Note: Auto Set Status can be set independently for the Quarterly Priority and it's Roll-up of Sub-priorities.



Existing Metric

Auto Set Status can be selected on an existing metric by clicking on the Status colour in the metric properties and choose Auto Set.



Please note: Auto-set Status can be set as a company wide default for all Metrics and Quarterly Priorities from the Company Settings page. Please see steps here to set, Metronome: Help (