1. Metronome Software Help Section
  2. Meeting
  3. Managing Meeting Content and Features

How do I create and use a Meeting Template?

To create a Meeting Template, 'Add Meeting' in upper right corner and select Company Template.


Next you have 2 options when creating a template:

  1. Copy an existing meeting/ template by selecting 'Copy settings and agenda items from', once saved you can work from it and further customize the Agenda Items for wording, re-order the Agenda, etc as you wish.

To start, click 'Add Meeting' in the upper right corner. On the pop-up window, Select 'Company Template' and select 'Copy settings and agenda items from'. Next select the drop-down arrow, 'Select a Meeting'.


Choose the meeting/ template you wish to copy. Next, name your template and choose which Day and Month in the Quarter click Add Template.


Once saved, you can further customize your Template by Adding Agenda Items or by making edits to existing Agenda Items. To edit existing agenda items, select the 'pencil' next to each Agenda Item or by selecting the 'garbage can' to remove it.


2.The other option is to create your own Template from a blank meeting canvas. To do this, select Company Template and NOT select 'Copy settings and agenda items from'. You will name your template and click Add Template.


Once you've saved your Template, you then add your own Agenda Items by clicking on 'Add Agenda Item'. These will become part of the Template.


How to use the Templates that you have created?

Select 'Add Meeting' in the upper right corner and select 'Copy settings and agenda items from', the template will be in the list under 'Company Templates' to choose from.
