How do I adjust the frequency of a Meeting?

At this time there is no way to change the frequency of a meeting once it’s created.


To change the frequency, you need to create a new meeting and as long as you end the current meeting, and don’t delete it, you will have access to go back and see previous meetings.


To stop the current recurring meeting, go on to the Meetings page. From the drop-down menu in Meetings, select the meeting you would like to end from the list. Next, click the More in top right corner and select 'Edit Meeting'. 




When you are in 'Edit', enter the number of Occurrences. The date will come up for the last occurrence next to it. You may guess for number of occurrences to give you a better view of how many to enter to get to the desired last occurrence date displayed.




Next, click 'SAVE'. The Meeting has now been ended and the Meeting history remains.


To recreate the new meeting, select 'Add Meeting' upper right corner. Select 'Copy settings and agenda items from', next from the drop-down menu go an existing meeting that you would like to copy or use one of the Global Templates.

It will copy the Agenda Items of the meeting or template that you are copying.


Next 'Add Meeting' in the bottom right.