How do I pull Metrics into the Key Function Flow Map?

In this article, we'll discuss how to add and remove Metrics from the Key Function Flow Map.

Setting up Metrics on Scorecards

Before you can pull Metrics into the Key Function Flow Map (KFFM), you'll first need to ensure that the Metrics are linked to the correct Scorecard.

The reason for this is the KFFM is built out using the critical functions of your business and the scorecards associated with them.

Step 1: Link the Metric to a Scorecard

  1. Navigate to the Metrics page.
  2. Click on the Metric you want to link (it will highlight in green).
  3. In the Properties panel, find the Linked Scorecard field and click the dropdown arrow.
  4. Select the associated Scorecard you want to link the Metric to.
  5. Click + Link a new scorecard metric to confirm.


Step 2: Add the Metric to the KFFM

  1. Go to the KFFM page and click Edit in the upper right corner.
  2. Locate the Function where you want to add the Metric and click the pencil icon.
  3. In the pop-up window, under Metrics, select the desired Metric.
  4. Click Save in the upper right corner to finalize your changes.





Removing a Metric from the KFFM

If you want to remove a Metric from the KFFM, simply follow Step 2 and unselect the Metric once the Edit Function box pops up. When you remove a Metric from the KFFM, please note this does not also remove the Metric from the Scorecard.

To remove the Metric from the Scorecard, please follow Step 1 to select another Scorecard to own this Metric!


  • Make sure that when you are editing the KFFM, you are the ONLY team member editing this document.
  • This is a live page and any updates done while multiple team members are editing will revert the changes made to the last team member that saves their progress.
  • We suggest making sure this document is only edited by Admins, and done at specific times to make sure multiple members are not editing at the same time.