Create Coach One Page Plan Templates

One Page Plan templates allow you to create a common One Page Plan starting point for your clients. Recommendation is to start from one of the global templates as a framework and adjust it to suit your coaching style.

To create a 'Coach One Page Plan template', go to your Coach Company and select One Page Plan. Next, 'Add Plan'.

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Choose from templates, a template that you can use as a frame-work to get started.

When viewing the One Page Plan template, please note the difference between the 'MGS - Kick Off template' and the 'MGS - One Page Plan' template is:

  • MGS - Kick Off template has Static Boxes for the 1Year metrics and 3 Year metrics where you enter the company metrics manually into the One Page Plan
  • MGS - One Page Plan has components for the 1 Year metric and 3 Year metrics that auto-populates from the Rolling Metrics page. When metrics are forecasted they will auto-populate.



Select Edit All in the upper right corner to open all the components into edit mode. Next hover your mouse over any of the components

in the upper right corner to find 3 tool options that will help you customize the plan.

  • The four point diamond allows you to drag and drop the component to re-order them how you would like.
  • The pencil allows you to rename the Header.
  • The 3 dots allow for multiple options.



The 3 dot multiple options are seen here:


  • Add list item allows you to add more rows within the component.
  • Settings allows you to change the colour scheme – perhaps to match a logo?
  • Duplicate allows you to duplicate the component.
  • Remove allows you to remove the entire component.
  • Add Component allows you to add components – note: there are several different types of components that can be added – you can choose the one that best suits the information you are trying to house.



  • Column Menu allows you to add an additional column.
  • Row Menu allows you to add an additional row.


Once you have made all your modifications and are happy with the plan you have created, on the top right corner select 'More'. From the drop-down menu select Save As Template.



Here you can select the Name of your new Template, and select Shared – this will allow you to share it with the companies you work with.


Click on Save, and it will now be available in the templates for you and the clients you are linked to.