Release Notes - August 2023

Action Item Improvements


This release includes multiple improvements to Action Items. We have introduced privacy, tags and a new way to view action items in meetings. These updates will improve the way Action Items are used, and make them a versatile tool within the Software. 

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Action Item Privacy


We have added privacy levels to Action Items, this will provide greater control over who can see which action items. Action items can be either be made private, public or inherit from a meeting or a priority. 

By default, action items created from the Daily Dashboard and Action Items pages are private while those created under a meeting or a priority will inherit their privacy from the related entity. You can change this at anytime via the action item settings, where the option to make it public for everyone to see will also be available.

Learn how to change who can see Action Items.




Action Item Tags


You can now add tags to Action Items. This means you can narrow down your view when searching through Action Items. This is especially useful when pulling Action Items into meetings.

Add Tags to Action Items.




New Action Item Meeting Agenda Item


We have released a new Agenda Item type named "Action Items Search". With it you can bring in outstanding Action Items created in the Action Items section, the Daily Dashboard and from other meetings and priorities together. This new Agenda Item means you can consolidate the Action items you'd like to see together in one place!

Learn about the 'Action Item Search' Meeting Agenda Item.




Introducing Meeting Observers


We have introduced a Meeting Observers option to Meeting attendees. This is for Team Members who are invited to meetings and need visibility on what is happening but don't need to contribute.

By adding an attendee as an observer they will be automatically removed from each Agenda Item in that meeting, removing the manual work of editing each Agenda Item. Learn how to add a Meeting Observer here!



Bulk Attendee Operations


With Bulk Attendee Operations you are able to update who should be included in each Agenda Item all from one view. This means you no longer need to click in to edit each Agenda Item to choose who is selected. You can bulk add and remove Team Members from all agenda items at the top, and finetune for each Agenda Item in the view below.

Learn about Bulk Attendee Operations here.




Manage Your Team's 2FA


Admins can now remove two-factor authentication for all users from the Team Members Page. This means you are able to turn off 2FA for team members without having to contact us! 

How to remove 2FA.
